What are the types of diet that exists and what are their functions?
Types of Diets and Their Functions
Food and oxygen are an essential necessity for living. Food makes you healthy and also makes you grow. Too much food is dangerous to our well-being, too less food ultimately leads to malnutrition and death.It’s important we have the right nutrients in the right proportion to ensure proper and ultimate growth, achieving living goals and having a healthy lifestyle.
What is diet?
Diet refers to the kind of food an individual or community habitually eats. Diets could be patterned for weight loss or medical reasons.
A balanced diet is a healthful eating and includes a balance of several food groups as no single class of food can provide everything we need for good health. Proper diet is important for everyone; adult, children, sick and healthy, men and women, old and young.
Dietary patterns and selections also play a major role in the quality of life. There are diverse kinds of diet depending on requirements or needs of an individual’s body.
The top 7 Types of Diets and Their Functions
Atkins diet: Focuses on controlling the levels of insulin in the body through a low-carbohydrate diet, protein and fat are consumed more.
The Zone Diet: Focuses on nutritional balance of 40 percent carbohydrate, 30 percent fats and 30 percent protein in each meal. It aims to control insulin levels which may result in more successful weight loss and body weight control than other approaches.
Ketogenic Diet: Keto diet been used for decades as a treatment for epilepsy and it involves reducing carbohydrates intake and increasing fat intake, it allows the body to burn fat as a fuel rather than carbohydrates. It should be monitored in people with Type 1 diabetes due to risk of Ketoacidosis which can lead to diabetic coma and death. See Keto Diet In Nigeria
Vegetarian Diet: This is the consumption of eggs, diary and honey and avoiding other animal-based food. Various types include lacto-vegetarian, fruitarian vegetarian, lactovo vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian and semi-vegetarian.
Weight Watchers Diet: Focuses on losing weight through diet, exercise and a reliable support network.
Raw Food Diet: Also known as raw foodism involves consuming foods and drinks that are not processed and are completely plant-based and ideally organic. They believe that at least three-quarter of a person’s food intake should consist of uncooked food.
Mediterranean Diet: The emphasis is on lots of plants foods, fresh fruits, nuts, whole grain, fish, poultry, small red meat and low to moderate amounts of wine. As the most extensively studied diet, the Mediterranean diet has up to date and reliable data supporting its use for improving a person’s quality of life and lowering the risk of diseases. SEE: What Nigerian Fruits burns Fat
SEE: List Of Protein foods in Nigeria and their functions
Other Types of Diet Includes:
Volumetrics diet
South beach diet
Skinny bitch diet
Shangri-La diet
Nutrisystem diet
New Beverly Hills diet
Master cleanse diet
Macro Biotic diet
Hormone diet
Grapefruit diet
French woman don’t get fat diet
Fat flush diet
Caveman diet
Cabbage soup diet
Best life diet
Blood type diet
3-hour diet
The quantity of refined ingredients in most western diets and processed foods can shorten an individual’s life span due to their high sugar content and saturated fats. A lot of individuals are currently struggling with health challenges due to wrong dieting habits.We are not designed to eat anything and everything hence lets always be reminded of the saying ‘you are what are eat” therefore you need to pay attention to this top types of diet and what their functions are. See Keto Diet In Nigeria
Great insight n helpful.
Great to know that someone care about our health.