Public health conferences, Public health conferences 2017, Public health conferences 2018, Healthy people 2020, public health training, careers in public health, community healthcare, MSN Nursing programs, public health degree, public health department, public health graduate school, public health issues, public health nurse, MPH


Public health Conferences are special occasions in the public health community as it offers a platform for the presentation of research finding, cross-fertilization of ideas, and networking. We have provided a list of all the conferences, seminars, and workshops in public health on all continents to enable you to schedule appropriately.


Why Should You Attend a Conference?

A survey from Ogilvy Health Worldwide found that healthcare providers’ reasons for attending looked like this from top to bottom:

  • Learn about new clinical information


  • Keep with current trends


  • Get continuing medical education (CME)


  • Participate in professional networking


  • Collect material for personal knowledge


  • Meet with specific company representatives


  • Enjoy entertainment


Public Health Conferences InPublic Health Conferences In 2021

ICCHE 2021: Child Health and Ethics Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMSHI 2021: Medical Sciences and Health Informatics Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICDOHD 2021: Developmental Origins of Health and Diseases Conference, Sydney (May 17-18, 2021)

ICHP 2021: Health Policies Conference, Paris (May 17-18, 2021)

ICMHHI 2021: Mobile Health and Healthcare Innovations Conference, Paris (May 17-18, 2021)

ICPHH 2021: Public Health and Hygiene Conference, Sydney (May 17-18, 2021)

ICADW 2021: Autoimmune Diseases in Women Conference, Berlin (May 20-21, 2021)

ICCFTICTH 2021: Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare Conference, Berlin (May 20-21, 2021)

ICCSHF 2021: Cardiac Surgery and Heart Failure Conference, Vancouver (May 20-21, 2021)

ICDGDDR 2021: Developments in Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosis Research Conference, Vancouver (May 20-21, 2021)

ICAGBS 2021: Advancements in Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgery Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICAGDDR 2021: Advancements in Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosis Research Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICAGDSR 2021: Advancements in Gastrointestinal Diseases and Surgery Research Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICAGSCT 2021: Advancements in Gastrointestinal Surgery and Cancer Treatment Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICBHI 2021: Brain and Health Informatics Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICCAIMH 2021: Complementary, Alternative, Integrative Medicine and Health Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICFPTH 2021: Food Processing Technology and Hygiene Conference, Barcelona (May 24-25, 2021)

ICGHC 2021: Global Health Challenges Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICHSP 2021: Health Systems and Policies Conference, Montreal (May 24-25, 2021)

ICLHD 2021: Lung Health and Diseases Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICMHAHI 2021: Mobile Health Applications and Healthcare Innovations Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICOH 2021: One Health Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICPH 2021: Perinatal Healthcare Conference, Barcelona (May 24-25, 2021)

ICPH 2021: Public Health Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICPPH 2021: Physician and Patient Health Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICPRH 2021: Perinatal and Reproductive Health Conference, Barcelona (May 24-25, 2021)

ICAPHP 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Public Conference, Rome (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICGDC 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Cancer Conference, Rome (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICHFA 2021: Heart Failure and Arrhythmias Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICHIHM 2021: Healthcare Industry and Healthcare Marketing Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICHIWH 2021: Healthcare Industry and Women Healthcare Conference, Rome (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICHP 2021: Health in Pregnancy Conference, Rome (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICITM 2021: Information Technology and Medicals Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICSHHEC 2021: Smart Home for Health and Elderly Care Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICSHHECCAS 2021: Smart Home for Health and Elderly Care and Context-Aware Services Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICSHHECCSCSC 2021: Smart Home for Health and Elderly Care and Connection with a Smart Car and Smart City Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICSHHECITHE 2021: Smart Home for Health and Elderly Care and Internet of Things in a Home Environment Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICSHHECSIE 2021: Smart Home for Health and Elderly Care, Service Implementation and Evaluation Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICACMH 2021: Applied Computing in Medicine and Health Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)

ICAIH 2021: Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)

ICAIHA 2021: Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Applications Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)

ICAIHMLS 2021: Applied Informatics for Health, Medical, and Life Sciences Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)

ICAIMLH 2021: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)

ICAIMLHA 2021: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Healthcare Applications Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)

ICCAH 2021: Children’s and Adolescent Health Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICCAHMH 2021: Children’s and Adolescent Health and Mental Health Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICCAHMHS 2021: Children’s and Adolescent Health and Mental Health Services Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICCCHHA 2021: Climate Change and Human Health Impacts and Adaptation Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICCCHHACC 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Climate Change Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICCHPYD 2021: Children’s Health and Positive Youth Development Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICCHRF 2021: Children’s Health and Risk Factors Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICCHS 2021: Children’s Health and School Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICCHSES 2021: Children’s Health and Socio-Economic Status Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICDTHW 2021: Disease Treatments and Healthcare in Women Conference, Barcelona (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICDTW 2021: Disease Treatments in Women Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICGDC 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Cholangioscopy Conference, Barcelona (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICWPH 2021: Women and Pregnancy Health Conference, Tokyo (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICBIH 2021: Brain Informatics and Health Conference, Montreal (Jun 14-15, 2021)

ICPHP 2021: Public Health Policies Conference, Montreal (Jun 14-15, 2021)

ICCHM 2021: Complex Health Monitoring Conference, Toronto (Jun 15-16, 2021)

ICGDEU 2021: Gastrointestinal Disease and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Toronto (Jun 15-16, 2021)

ICHMI 2021: Health and Medical Informatics Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)

ICPHEA 2021: Public Health Engineering and Applications Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)

ICRAPHE 2021: Recent Advances in Public Health Engineering Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)

ICSSH 2021: Sustainable Software for Health Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)

ICWSH 2021: Water, Sanitation and Health Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)

ICWSHE 2021: Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)

ICGH 2021: Global Health Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICGSDH 2021: Green Software Development for Health Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICGSSEH 2021: Green and Sustainable Software Engineering for Health Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICGSSH 2021: Green and Sustainable Software for Health Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICHCM 2021: Health Care and Monitoring Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICHPH 2021: Health Policies and Hygiene Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICHRT 2021: Health Research and Technologies Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICHWD 2021: Health and Wellness Data Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICPH 2021: Pregnancy Healthcare Conference, Vienna (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICQL 2021: Quality of Life Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICHRP 2021: Health Research and Policies Conference, Paris (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICCH 2021: Community Health Conference, Istanbul (Jun 28-29, 2021)

ICEAEU 2021: Endoscopy Advances and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Dubai (Jun 29-30, 2021)

ICPHE 2021: Public Health and Environment Conference, Dubai (Jun 29-30, 2021)

ICRHM 2021: Reproductive Healthcare and Medicine Conference, Dubai (Jun 29-30, 2021)

ICGDCT 2021: Gastrointestinal Disease and Cancer Treatments Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)

ICGDD 2021: Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosis Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)

ICGDE 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Endoscopy Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)

ICGDS 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Surgery Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)

ICGDSR 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Surgery Research Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)

ICGDT 2021: Gastrointestinal Disease Treatments Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)

ICCCHHADI 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Deprivation Index Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHADIWCC 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation, Deprivation Index, Welfare and Climate Change Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHAECE 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Extreme Climatic Events Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHAECESC 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation, Extreme Climatic Events and Sanitary Consequences Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHAEDNE 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Emerging Diseases in New Environments Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHAH 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Health Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHAHWSBMF 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Health Warning Systems Based on Meteorological Forecasts Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHAICAPH 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Interaction between Climate, Air Pollution and Health Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHAMI 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Mental Illnesses Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHATUBMI 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and The Use of Bio-Meteorological Indexes Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHAVBD 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Vector-Borne Diseases Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHAW 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Welfare Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHAWV 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Weather Variability Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICCCHHAWVMI 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation, Weather Variability and Mental Illnesses Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBET 2021: Biomedical Engineering and Telehealth Conference, Bali (Jul 15-16, 2021)

ICHIP 2021: Health Insurance and Policies Conference, Stockholm (Jul 15-16, 2021)

ICPHPH 2021: Public Health Policies and Healthcare Conference, Stockholm (Jul 15-16, 2021)

ICACHM 2021: Applied Computing in Health and Medicine Conference, Copenhagen (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICAEUER 2021: Advances in Endoscopic Ultrasound and Endoscopy Research Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICAHT 2021: Aging, Health, and Technology Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICAPHE 2021: Advances in Public Health Engineering Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICAPHEA 2021: Advances in Public Health Engineering and Applications Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICATH 2021: Aging, Technology, and Health Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICAWSHE 2021: Advances in Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICCHACE 2021: Children’s Health and Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICCHBO 2021: Children’s Health and Birth Outcomes Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICCHD 2021: Characterization of Healthcare Data Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICCHDD 2021: Children’s Health and Developmental Disorders Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICCHEBP 2021: Children’s Health and Emotional and Behavioural Problems Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICCHEIU 2021: Children’s Health and Extensive Internet Use Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICCHF 2021: Children’s Health and Family Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICCHHL 2021: Children’s Health and Health Literacy Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICER 2021: Endoscopy Research Conference, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICHMDM 2021: Health Monitoring and Data Mining Conference, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICHPH 2021: Healthcare and Public Health Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICHTM 2021: Healthcare Technology and Management Conference, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICPHHS 2021: Personal Health and Health Sciences Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICSHBD 2021: Smart Health and Big Data Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICAPHC 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Consumption Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICAPHP 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Problems Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICAPHT 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Treatment Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICCBARHIE 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Empowerment Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICCBARHIHE 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Health Equity Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICCBARHIHP 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Health Promotion Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICCBARHIPAR 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Participatory Action Research Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICCBARHIRH 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities, Racism and Health Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICCBARHISDH 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Social Determinants of Health Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICCTGE 2021: Current Trends in Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICCTGSCT 2021: Current Trends in Gastrointestinal Surgery and Cancer Treatment Conference, Berlin (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICEUDR 2021: Endoscopic Ultrasound and Diagnosis Research Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICGDD 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Diagnosis Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICGSSDH 2021: Green and Sustainable Software Development for Health Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICHWB 2021: Healthcare Without Borders Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICHWC 2021: Health and Wellness Coaching Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICSMWC 2021: Stress Management and Wellness Coaching Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICTE 2021: Treatments in Endoscopy Conference, Berlin (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICHE 2021: Health Education Conference, Dubai (.Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICHMMS 2021: Healthcare, Medicine and Medical Science Conference, Vienna (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPHMT 2021: Public Health and Medical Technology Conference, Dubai (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICAEUDR 2021: Advances in Endoscopic Ultrasound and Diagnosis Research Conference, Vancouver (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICAGDE 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal Diseases and Endoscopy Conference, Vancouver (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICCD 2021: Cholangioscopy and Cancer Diagnosis Conference, Montreal (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICCHHP 2021: Community Health and Health Promotion Conference, Amsterdam (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICCTET 2021: Current Trends in Endoscopy and Treatment Conference, Amsterdam (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICGDDR 2021: Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosis Research Conference, Amsterdam (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICRPH 2021: Reproductive and Pregnancy Health Conference, Vancouver (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICBHMD 2021: Biomedical and Health Monitoring Devices Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2021)

ICCTGDEU 2021: Current Trends in Gastrointestinal Disease and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Lagos (Aug 09-10, 2021)

ICAPHC 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Control Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICAPHD 2021: Alcohol, Public Health and Deaths Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICAPHH 2021: Alcohol, Public Health and Health Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICAPHI 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Injuries Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICAPHP 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Policy Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICCEH 2021: Community and Environmental Health Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICGBS 2021: Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgery Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICHC 2021: Health Communications Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICHII 2021: Health Insurance and Interventions Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICHMHRDA 2021: Health Monitoring and Health-Related Daily Activities Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICPRH 2021: Perinatal and Reproductive Healthcare Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICAGDEU 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal Disease and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Barcelona (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICEEU 2021: Endoscopy and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Istanbul (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICEIM 2021: Ethical Issues in Medicals Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICEUCD 2021: Endoscopic Ultrasound and Cancer Diagnosis Conference, Barcelona (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICGEA 2021: Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Advances Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICPHW 2021: Public Health and Wellbeing Conference, Istanbul (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICAET 2021: Advances in Endoscopy and Treatment Conference, London (Aug 19-20, 2021)

ICMDSH 2021: Medical Data and Smart Health Conference, London (Aug 19-20, 2021)

ICMIHM 2021: Medical Imaging and Health Monitoring Conference, Bangkok (Aug 19-20, 2021)

ICMIHMD 2021: Medical Imaging and Health Monitoring Devices Conference, Bangkok (Aug 19-20, 2021)

ICAGBS 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgery Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICAGDD 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosis Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICAGDSR 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal Diseases and Surgery Research Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICAGSCT 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal Surgery and Cancer Treatment Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICAPH 2021: Alcohol and Public Health Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICITPH 2021: Information Technology and Public Health Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICUPH 2021: Urban Public Health Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICHME 2021: Hygiene and Medical Ethics Conference, Paris (Aug 26-27, 2021)

ICBIHIS 2021: Biomedical Intelligence and Healthcare Information Systems Conference, Sydney (Aug 30-31, 2021)

ICEIPH 2021: Equity Issues in Public Health Conference, Sydney (Aug 30-31, 2021)

ICPHS 2021: Public Health Systems Conference, Sydney (Aug 30-31, 2021)

ICAEUCT 2021: Advances in Endoscopic Ultrasound and Cancer Treatment Conference, Singapore (Sep 09-10, 2021)

ICDTHW 2021: Disorder Therapies and Healthcare in Women Conference, Singapore (Sep 09-10, 2021)

ICEUD 2021: Endoscopic Ultrasound and Diagnosis Conference, Singapore (Sep 09-10, 2021)

ICABET 2021: Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Telehealth Conference, Zurich (Sep 16-17, 2021)

ICPHSH 2021: Public Health Systems and Healthcare Conference, Rome (Sep 16-17, 2021)

ICQLME 2021: Quality of Life and Medical Ethics Conference, Rome (Sep 16-17, 2021)

ICRAPHEA 2021: Recent Advances in Public Health Engineering and Applications Conference, Rome (Sep 16-17, 2021)

ICRAWSHE 2021: Recent Advances in Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering Conference, Rome (Sep 16-17, 2021)

ICDTW 2021: Disorder Therapies in Women Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)

ICGSCT 2021: Gastrointestinal Surgery and Cancer Treatment Conference, Lisbon (Sep 20-21, 2021)

ICHP 2021: Healthcare in Pregnancy Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)

ICHTOA 2021: Health Technologies for Older Adults Conference, Lisbon (Sep 20-21, 2021)

ICPHE 2021: Public Health Education Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)

ICBT 2021: Biomedical and Telehealth Conference, San Francisco (Sep 27-28, 2021)

ICECD 2021: Endoscopy and Cancer Diagnosis Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2021)

ICAHT 2021: Aging and Health Technology Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICAIHHA 2021: Artificial Intelligence for Health and Healthcare Applications Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICCTEUCT 2021: Current Trends in Endoscopic Ultrasound and Cancer Treatment Conference, Baku (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICCTGDE 2021: Current Trends in Gastrointestinal Diseases and Endoscopy Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICMFH 2021: Medical Food and Health Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICWPH 2021: Women and Perinatal Healthcare Conference, Baku (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICPHEE 2021: Public Health Education Ethics Conference, Beijing (Oct 06-07, 2021)

ICRH 2021: Rural Healthcare Conference, Beijing (Oct 06-07, 2021)

ICDTHW 2021: Disease Therapies and Healthcare in Women Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICDTW 2021: Disease Therapies in Women Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICOHQ 2021: Optimizing Healthcare Quality Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICHMH 2021: Healthcare Marketing and Healthcare Conference, Rome (Oct 18-19, 2021)

ICCAHM 2021: Computing Applications in Health and Medicine Conference, Istanbul (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICCEU 2021: Cholangioscopy and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Barcelona (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICCMH 2021: Computing in Medicine and Health Conference, Istanbul (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICSAHD 2021: Statistical Analysis of Healthcare Data Conference, Istanbul (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICAED 2021: Advances in Endoscopy and Diagnosis Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2021)

ICPHD 2021: Public Health Dentistry Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2021)

ICCAMH 2021: Computing Applications in Medicine and Health Conference, Amsterdam (Nov 04-05, 2021)

ICCE 2021: Cholangioscopy and Endoscopy Conference, Amsterdam (Nov 04-05, 2021)

ICCHM 2021: Computing in Health and Medicine Conference, Amsterdam (Nov 04-05, 2021)

ICEHPM 2021: Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine Conference, Amsterdam (Nov 04-05, 2021)

ICHTOA 2021: Health Technology for Older Adults Conference, Istanbul (Nov 08-09, 2021)

ICPPH 2021: Pharmacovigilance in Public Health Conference, Istanbul (Nov 08-09, 2021)

ICAH 2021: Accessibility to Healthcare Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICCBARHI 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICCBARHICCB 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Community Capacity Building Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICCBARHICE 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Community Engagement Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICCBARHIDP 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Disease Prevention Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICHB 2021: Health Behavior Conference, Venice (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICHBE 2021: Health Behavior and Ethics Conference, Venice (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICHD 2021: Health and Disease Conference, Venice (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICHF 2021: Heart Failure Conference, Rome (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICHFCS 2021: Heart Failure and Cardiac Surgery Conference, Rome (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICHFMC 2021: Heart Failure and Molecular Cardiology Conference, Rome (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICSSDH 2021: Sustainable Software Development for Health Conference, Rome (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICWRH 2021: Women and Reproductive Healthcare Conference, Jeddah (Nov 15-16, 2021)

ICGE 2021: Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Conference, Paris (Nov 18-19, 2021)

ICHME 2021: Healthcare and Medical Education Conference, Paris (Nov 18-19, 2021)

ICPHPH 2021: Public Health Policies and Hygiene Conference, Bangkok (Nov 29-30, 2021)

ICAIHH 2021: Artificial Intelligence for Health and Healthcare Conference, Sydney (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICDRHW 2021: Disorder Rehabilitation and Healthcare in Women Conference, Sydney (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICDTHW 2021: Disorder Treatments and Healthcare in Women Conference, Tokyo (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICDW 2021: Disorders in Women Conference, Sydney (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICDTW 2021: Disorder Treatments in Women Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Dec 06-07, 2021)

ICEUCT 2021: Endoscopic Ultrasound and Cancer Treatment Conference, London (Dec 09-10, 2021)

ICHA 2021: Health Analytics Conference, London (Dec 09-10, 2021)

ICPHHC 2021: Personal Health and Health Care Conference, London (Dec 09-10, 2021)

ICPHRE 2021: Public Health Research and Ethics Conference, London (Dec 09-10, 2021)

ICMSTE 2021: Multimedia Services and Technologies for E-health Conference, Rome (Dec 13-14, 2021)

ICPHE 2021: Public Health Engineering Conference, Rome (Dec 13-14, 2021)

ICPHSR 2021: Public Health Systems and Research Conference, Rome (Dec 13-14, 2021)

ICEUER 2021: Endoscopic Ultrasound and Endoscopy Research Conference, Istanbul (Dec 20-21, 2021)

ICTMDHDM 2021: Traditional Medical Data and Health Data Mining Conference, Paris (Dec 30-31, 2021)


Public Health Conferences In 2022

ICCS 2022: Cardiac Surgery Conference, Singapore (Jan 11-12, 2022)

ICDOHD 2022: Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Conference, Singapore (Jan 11-12, 2022)

ICPH 2022: Public Healthcare Conference, Singapore (Jan 11-12, 2022)

ICCAD 2022: Coronary Artery Disease Conference, Zurich (Jan 14-15, 2022)

ICEPH 2022: Environmental Public Health Conference, Zurich (Jan 14-15, 2022)

ICPHHM 2022: Personal Health and Health Monitoring Conference, Zurich (Jan 14-15, 2022)

ICPHMD 2022: Personal Health and Medical Data Conference, Bali (Jan 14-15, 2022)

ICEIPH 2022: Ethical Issues in Public Health Conference, Bangkok (Jan 18-19, 2022)

ICHPD 2022: Health Policies for Disabilities Conference, Bangkok (Jan 18-19, 2022)

ICPDHP 2022: Pharmaceutical Drugs and Health Policies Conference, London (Jan 21-22, 2022)

ICPHEL 2022: Public Health Ethics and Legalities Conference, Amsterdam (Jan 21-22, 2022)

ICFSH 2022: Food Safety, Hygiene, and Health Conference, Paris (Jan 25-26, 2022)

ICUPHP 2022: Urban Public Health Policies Conference, Paris (Jan 25-26, 2022)

ICPHE 2022: Public Health Ethics Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Feb 11-12, 2022)

ICHI 2022: Health Insurance Conference, Dubai (Feb 15-16, 2022)

ICPHR 2022: Public Health Research Conference, Dubai (Feb 15-16, 2022)

ICDPH 2022: Disasters and Public Health Conference, Rome (Feb 18-19, 2022)

ICMHH 2022: Mental Health and Healthcare Conference, Rome (Feb 18-19, 2022)

ICCH 2022: Children’s Health Conference, Paris (Feb 22-23, 2022)

ICPHP 2022: Public Health Promotion Conference, Paris (Feb 22-23, 2022)

ICMIH 2022: Medical Informatics and Health Conference, Sydney (Feb 25-26, 2022)

ICEIHP 2022: Ethical Issues and Health Policies Conference, Rome (Mar 04-05, 2022)

ICDW 2022: Diseases in Women Conference, Prague (Mar 22-23, 2022)

ICHI 2022: Healthcare Innovations Conference, Prague (Mar 22-23, 2022)

ICPHEH 2022: Public Health Ethics and Hygiene Conference, Madrid (Mar 25-26, 2022)

ICQLH 2022: Quality of Life and Hygiene Conference, Tokyo (Mar 25-26, 2022)

ICDRW 2022: Disorder Rehabilitation in Women Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2022)

Click to Read: Alcohol  Rehab



Public Health Ng
Public Health Nigeria an Interdisciplinary public health movement focused on health education, advancing fair public health policies, promoting fitness, healthy diets, responsible behavior, community health and general well-being.

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