Public health Conferences are special occasions in the public health community as it offers a platform for the presentation of research finding, cross-fertilization of ideas, and networking. We have provided a list of all the conferences, seminars, and workshops in public health on all continents to enable you to schedule appropriately.
Why Should You Attend a Conference?
A survey from Ogilvy Health Worldwide found that healthcare providers’ reasons for attending looked like this from top to bottom:
- Learn about new clinical information
- Keep with current trends
- Get continuing medical education (CME)
- Participate in professional networking
- Collect material for personal knowledge
- Meet with specific company representatives
- Enjoy entertainment
Public Health Conferences In 2021
ICCHE 2021: Child Health and Ethics Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)
ICMSHI 2021: Medical Sciences and Health Informatics Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)
ICDOHD 2021: Developmental Origins of Health and Diseases Conference, Sydney (May 17-18, 2021)
ICHP 2021: Health Policies Conference, Paris (May 17-18, 2021)
ICMHHI 2021: Mobile Health and Healthcare Innovations Conference, Paris (May 17-18, 2021)
ICPHH 2021: Public Health and Hygiene Conference, Sydney (May 17-18, 2021)
ICADW 2021: Autoimmune Diseases in Women Conference, Berlin (May 20-21, 2021)
ICCFTICTH 2021: Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare Conference, Berlin (May 20-21, 2021)
ICCSHF 2021: Cardiac Surgery and Heart Failure Conference, Vancouver (May 20-21, 2021)
ICDGDDR 2021: Developments in Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosis Research Conference, Vancouver (May 20-21, 2021)
ICAGBS 2021: Advancements in Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgery Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICAGDDR 2021: Advancements in Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosis Research Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICAGDSR 2021: Advancements in Gastrointestinal Diseases and Surgery Research Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICAGSCT 2021: Advancements in Gastrointestinal Surgery and Cancer Treatment Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICBHI 2021: Brain and Health Informatics Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICCAIMH 2021: Complementary, Alternative, Integrative Medicine and Health Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICFPTH 2021: Food Processing Technology and Hygiene Conference, Barcelona (May 24-25, 2021)
ICGHC 2021: Global Health Challenges Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICHSP 2021: Health Systems and Policies Conference, Montreal (May 24-25, 2021)
ICLHD 2021: Lung Health and Diseases Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICMHAHI 2021: Mobile Health Applications and Healthcare Innovations Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICOH 2021: One Health Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICPH 2021: Perinatal Healthcare Conference, Barcelona (May 24-25, 2021)
ICPH 2021: Public Health Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICPPH 2021: Physician and Patient Health Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)
ICPRH 2021: Perinatal and Reproductive Health Conference, Barcelona (May 24-25, 2021)
ICAPHP 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Public Conference, Rome (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICGDC 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Cancer Conference, Rome (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICHFA 2021: Heart Failure and Arrhythmias Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICHIHM 2021: Healthcare Industry and Healthcare Marketing Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICHIWH 2021: Healthcare Industry and Women Healthcare Conference, Rome (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICHP 2021: Health in Pregnancy Conference, Rome (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICITM 2021: Information Technology and Medicals Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICSHHEC 2021: Smart Home for Health and Elderly Care Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICSHHECCAS 2021: Smart Home for Health and Elderly Care and Context-Aware Services Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICSHHECCSCSC 2021: Smart Home for Health and Elderly Care and Connection with a Smart Car and Smart City Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICSHHECITHE 2021: Smart Home for Health and Elderly Care and Internet of Things in a Home Environment Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICSHHECSIE 2021: Smart Home for Health and Elderly Care, Service Implementation and Evaluation Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)
ICACMH 2021: Applied Computing in Medicine and Health Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)
ICAIH 2021: Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)
ICAIHA 2021: Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Applications Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)
ICAIHMLS 2021: Applied Informatics for Health, Medical, and Life Sciences Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)
ICAIMLH 2021: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)
ICAIMLHA 2021: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Healthcare Applications Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)
ICCAH 2021: Children’s and Adolescent Health Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICCAHMH 2021: Children’s and Adolescent Health and Mental Health Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICCAHMHS 2021: Children’s and Adolescent Health and Mental Health Services Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICCCHHA 2021: Climate Change and Human Health Impacts and Adaptation Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICCCHHACC 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Climate Change Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICCHPYD 2021: Children’s Health and Positive Youth Development Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICCHRF 2021: Children’s Health and Risk Factors Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICCHS 2021: Children’s Health and School Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICCHSES 2021: Children’s Health and Socio-Economic Status Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICDTHW 2021: Disease Treatments and Healthcare in Women Conference, Barcelona (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICDTW 2021: Disease Treatments in Women Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICGDC 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Cholangioscopy Conference, Barcelona (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICWPH 2021: Women and Pregnancy Health Conference, Tokyo (Jun 10-11, 2021)
ICBIH 2021: Brain Informatics and Health Conference, Montreal (Jun 14-15, 2021)
ICPHP 2021: Public Health Policies Conference, Montreal (Jun 14-15, 2021)
ICCHM 2021: Complex Health Monitoring Conference, Toronto (Jun 15-16, 2021)
ICGDEU 2021: Gastrointestinal Disease and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Toronto (Jun 15-16, 2021)
ICHMI 2021: Health and Medical Informatics Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)
ICPHEA 2021: Public Health Engineering and Applications Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)
ICRAPHE 2021: Recent Advances in Public Health Engineering Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)
ICSSH 2021: Sustainable Software for Health Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)
ICWSH 2021: Water, Sanitation and Health Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)
ICWSHE 2021: Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering Conference, Riga (Jun 17-18, 2021)
ICGH 2021: Global Health Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)
ICGSDH 2021: Green Software Development for Health Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)
ICGSSEH 2021: Green and Sustainable Software Engineering for Health Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)
ICGSSH 2021: Green and Sustainable Software for Health Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)
ICHCM 2021: Health Care and Monitoring Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)
ICHPH 2021: Health Policies and Hygiene Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)
ICHRT 2021: Health Research and Technologies Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)
ICHWD 2021: Health and Wellness Data Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)
ICPH 2021: Pregnancy Healthcare Conference, Vienna (Jun 21-22, 2021)
ICQL 2021: Quality of Life Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)
ICHRP 2021: Health Research and Policies Conference, Paris (Jun 24-25, 2021)
ICCH 2021: Community Health Conference, Istanbul (Jun 28-29, 2021)
ICEAEU 2021: Endoscopy Advances and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Dubai (Jun 29-30, 2021)
ICPHE 2021: Public Health and Environment Conference, Dubai (Jun 29-30, 2021)
ICRHM 2021: Reproductive Healthcare and Medicine Conference, Dubai (Jun 29-30, 2021)
ICGDCT 2021: Gastrointestinal Disease and Cancer Treatments Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)
ICGDD 2021: Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosis Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)
ICGDE 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Endoscopy Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)
ICGDS 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Surgery Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)
ICGDSR 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Surgery Research Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)
ICGDT 2021: Gastrointestinal Disease Treatments Conference, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2021)
ICCCHHADI 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Deprivation Index Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHADIWCC 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation, Deprivation Index, Welfare and Climate Change Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHAECE 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Extreme Climatic Events Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHAECESC 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation, Extreme Climatic Events and Sanitary Consequences Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHAEDNE 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Emerging Diseases in New Environments Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHAH 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Health Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHAHWSBMF 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Health Warning Systems Based on Meteorological Forecasts Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHAICAPH 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Interaction between Climate, Air Pollution and Health Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHAMI 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Mental Illnesses Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHATUBMI 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and The Use of Bio-Meteorological Indexes Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHAVBD 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Vector-Borne Diseases Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHAW 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Welfare Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHAWV 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation and Weather Variability Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICCCHHAWVMI 2021: Climate Change, Human Health Impacts, and Adaptation, Weather Variability and Mental Illnesses Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)
ICBET 2021: Biomedical Engineering and Telehealth Conference, Bali (Jul 15-16, 2021)
ICHIP 2021: Health Insurance and Policies Conference, Stockholm (Jul 15-16, 2021)
ICPHPH 2021: Public Health Policies and Healthcare Conference, Stockholm (Jul 15-16, 2021)
ICACHM 2021: Applied Computing in Health and Medicine Conference, Copenhagen (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICAEUER 2021: Advances in Endoscopic Ultrasound and Endoscopy Research Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICAHT 2021: Aging, Health, and Technology Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICAPHE 2021: Advances in Public Health Engineering Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICAPHEA 2021: Advances in Public Health Engineering and Applications Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICATH 2021: Aging, Technology, and Health Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICAWSHE 2021: Advances in Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICCHACE 2021: Children’s Health and Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICCHBO 2021: Children’s Health and Birth Outcomes Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICCHD 2021: Characterization of Healthcare Data Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICCHDD 2021: Children’s Health and Developmental Disorders Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICCHEBP 2021: Children’s Health and Emotional and Behavioural Problems Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICCHEIU 2021: Children’s Health and Extensive Internet Use Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICCHF 2021: Children’s Health and Family Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICCHHL 2021: Children’s Health and Health Literacy Conference, Helsinki (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICER 2021: Endoscopy Research Conference, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICHMDM 2021: Health Monitoring and Data Mining Conference, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICHPH 2021: Healthcare and Public Health Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICHTM 2021: Healthcare Technology and Management Conference, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICPHHS 2021: Personal Health and Health Sciences Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICSHBD 2021: Smart Health and Big Data Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)
ICAPHC 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Consumption Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICAPHP 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Problems Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICAPHT 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Treatment Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICCBARHIE 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Empowerment Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICCBARHIHE 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Health Equity Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICCBARHIHP 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Health Promotion Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICCBARHIPAR 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Participatory Action Research Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICCBARHIRH 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities, Racism and Health Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICCBARHISDH 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Social Determinants of Health Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICCTGE 2021: Current Trends in Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICCTGSCT 2021: Current Trends in Gastrointestinal Surgery and Cancer Treatment Conference, Berlin (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICEUDR 2021: Endoscopic Ultrasound and Diagnosis Research Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICGDD 2021: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Diagnosis Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICGSSDH 2021: Green and Sustainable Software Development for Health Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICHWB 2021: Healthcare Without Borders Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICHWC 2021: Health and Wellness Coaching Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICSMWC 2021: Stress Management and Wellness Coaching Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICTE 2021: Treatments in Endoscopy Conference, Berlin (Jul 22-23, 2021)
ICHE 2021: Health Education Conference, Dubai (.Jul 29-30, 2021)
ICHMMS 2021: Healthcare, Medicine and Medical Science Conference, Vienna (Jul 29-30, 2021)
ICPHMT 2021: Public Health and Medical Technology Conference, Dubai (Jul 29-30, 2021)
ICAEUDR 2021: Advances in Endoscopic Ultrasound and Diagnosis Research Conference, Vancouver (Aug 05-06, 2021)
ICAGDE 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal Diseases and Endoscopy Conference, Vancouver (Aug 05-06, 2021)
ICCD 2021: Cholangioscopy and Cancer Diagnosis Conference, Montreal (Aug 05-06, 2021)
ICCHHP 2021: Community Health and Health Promotion Conference, Amsterdam (Aug 05-06, 2021)
ICCTET 2021: Current Trends in Endoscopy and Treatment Conference, Amsterdam (Aug 05-06, 2021)
ICGDDR 2021: Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosis Research Conference, Amsterdam (Aug 05-06, 2021)
ICRPH 2021: Reproductive and Pregnancy Health Conference, Vancouver (Aug 05-06, 2021)
ICBHMD 2021: Biomedical and Health Monitoring Devices Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2021)
ICCTGDEU 2021: Current Trends in Gastrointestinal Disease and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Lagos (Aug 09-10, 2021)
ICAPHC 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Control Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)
ICAPHD 2021: Alcohol, Public Health and Deaths Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)
ICAPHH 2021: Alcohol, Public Health and Health Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)
ICAPHI 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Injuries Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)
ICAPHP 2021: Alcohol, Public Health, and Policy Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)
ICCEH 2021: Community and Environmental Health Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)
ICGBS 2021: Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgery Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)
ICHC 2021: Health Communications Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)
ICHII 2021: Health Insurance and Interventions Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)
ICHMHRDA 2021: Health Monitoring and Health-Related Daily Activities Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)
ICPRH 2021: Perinatal and Reproductive Healthcare Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)
ICAGDEU 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal Disease and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Barcelona (Aug 16-17, 2021)
ICEEU 2021: Endoscopy and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Istanbul (Aug 16-17, 2021)
ICEIM 2021: Ethical Issues in Medicals Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)
ICEUCD 2021: Endoscopic Ultrasound and Cancer Diagnosis Conference, Barcelona (Aug 16-17, 2021)
ICGEA 2021: Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Advances Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)
ICPHW 2021: Public Health and Wellbeing Conference, Istanbul (Aug 16-17, 2021)
ICAET 2021: Advances in Endoscopy and Treatment Conference, London (Aug 19-20, 2021)
ICMDSH 2021: Medical Data and Smart Health Conference, London (Aug 19-20, 2021)
ICMIHM 2021: Medical Imaging and Health Monitoring Conference, Bangkok (Aug 19-20, 2021)
ICMIHMD 2021: Medical Imaging and Health Monitoring Devices Conference, Bangkok (Aug 19-20, 2021)
ICAGBS 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgery Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)
ICAGDD 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosis Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)
ICAGDSR 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal Diseases and Surgery Research Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)
ICAGSCT 2021: Advances in Gastrointestinal Surgery and Cancer Treatment Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)
ICAPH 2021: Alcohol and Public Health Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2021)
ICITPH 2021: Information Technology and Public Health Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)
ICUPH 2021: Urban Public Health Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2021)
ICHME 2021: Hygiene and Medical Ethics Conference, Paris (Aug 26-27, 2021)
ICBIHIS 2021: Biomedical Intelligence and Healthcare Information Systems Conference, Sydney (Aug 30-31, 2021)
ICEIPH 2021: Equity Issues in Public Health Conference, Sydney (Aug 30-31, 2021)
ICPHS 2021: Public Health Systems Conference, Sydney (Aug 30-31, 2021)
ICAEUCT 2021: Advances in Endoscopic Ultrasound and Cancer Treatment Conference, Singapore (Sep 09-10, 2021)
ICDTHW 2021: Disorder Therapies and Healthcare in Women Conference, Singapore (Sep 09-10, 2021)
ICEUD 2021: Endoscopic Ultrasound and Diagnosis Conference, Singapore (Sep 09-10, 2021)
ICABET 2021: Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Telehealth Conference, Zurich (Sep 16-17, 2021)
ICPHSH 2021: Public Health Systems and Healthcare Conference, Rome (Sep 16-17, 2021)
ICQLME 2021: Quality of Life and Medical Ethics Conference, Rome (Sep 16-17, 2021)
ICRAPHEA 2021: Recent Advances in Public Health Engineering and Applications Conference, Rome (Sep 16-17, 2021)
ICRAWSHE 2021: Recent Advances in Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering Conference, Rome (Sep 16-17, 2021)
ICDTW 2021: Disorder Therapies in Women Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)
ICGSCT 2021: Gastrointestinal Surgery and Cancer Treatment Conference, Lisbon (Sep 20-21, 2021)
ICHP 2021: Healthcare in Pregnancy Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)
ICHTOA 2021: Health Technologies for Older Adults Conference, Lisbon (Sep 20-21, 2021)
ICPHE 2021: Public Health Education Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)
ICBT 2021: Biomedical and Telehealth Conference, San Francisco (Sep 27-28, 2021)
ICECD 2021: Endoscopy and Cancer Diagnosis Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2021)
ICAHT 2021: Aging and Health Technology Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)
ICAIHHA 2021: Artificial Intelligence for Health and Healthcare Applications Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)
ICCTEUCT 2021: Current Trends in Endoscopic Ultrasound and Cancer Treatment Conference, Baku (Oct 04-05, 2021)
ICCTGDE 2021: Current Trends in Gastrointestinal Diseases and Endoscopy Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)
ICMFH 2021: Medical Food and Health Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)
ICWPH 2021: Women and Perinatal Healthcare Conference, Baku (Oct 04-05, 2021)
ICPHEE 2021: Public Health Education Ethics Conference, Beijing (Oct 06-07, 2021)
ICRH 2021: Rural Healthcare Conference, Beijing (Oct 06-07, 2021)
ICDTHW 2021: Disease Therapies and Healthcare in Women Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)
ICDTW 2021: Disease Therapies in Women Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)
ICOHQ 2021: Optimizing Healthcare Quality Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)
ICHMH 2021: Healthcare Marketing and Healthcare Conference, Rome (Oct 18-19, 2021)
ICCAHM 2021: Computing Applications in Health and Medicine Conference, Istanbul (Oct 25-26, 2021)
ICCEU 2021: Cholangioscopy and Endoscopic Ultrasound Conference, Barcelona (Oct 25-26, 2021)
ICCMH 2021: Computing in Medicine and Health Conference, Istanbul (Oct 25-26, 2021)
ICSAHD 2021: Statistical Analysis of Healthcare Data Conference, Istanbul (Oct 25-26, 2021)
ICAED 2021: Advances in Endoscopy and Diagnosis Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2021)
ICPHD 2021: Public Health Dentistry Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2021)
ICCAMH 2021: Computing Applications in Medicine and Health Conference, Amsterdam (Nov 04-05, 2021)
ICCE 2021: Cholangioscopy and Endoscopy Conference, Amsterdam (Nov 04-05, 2021)
ICCHM 2021: Computing in Health and Medicine Conference, Amsterdam (Nov 04-05, 2021)
ICEHPM 2021: Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine Conference, Amsterdam (Nov 04-05, 2021)
ICHTOA 2021: Health Technology for Older Adults Conference, Istanbul (Nov 08-09, 2021)
ICPPH 2021: Pharmacovigilance in Public Health Conference, Istanbul (Nov 08-09, 2021)
ICAH 2021: Accessibility to Healthcare Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICCBARHI 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICCBARHICCB 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Community Capacity Building Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICCBARHICE 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Community Engagement Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICCBARHIDP 2021: Community-Based Approaches for Reducing Health Inequities and Disease Prevention Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICHB 2021: Health Behavior Conference, Venice (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICHBE 2021: Health Behavior and Ethics Conference, Venice (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICHD 2021: Health and Disease Conference, Venice (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICHF 2021: Heart Failure Conference, Rome (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICHFCS 2021: Heart Failure and Cardiac Surgery Conference, Rome (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICHFMC 2021: Heart Failure and Molecular Cardiology Conference, Rome (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICSSDH 2021: Sustainable Software Development for Health Conference, Rome (Nov 11-12, 2021)
ICWRH 2021: Women and Reproductive Healthcare Conference, Jeddah (Nov 15-16, 2021)
ICGE 2021: Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Conference, Paris (Nov 18-19, 2021)
ICHME 2021: Healthcare and Medical Education Conference, Paris (Nov 18-19, 2021)
ICPHPH 2021: Public Health Policies and Hygiene Conference, Bangkok (Nov 29-30, 2021)
ICAIHH 2021: Artificial Intelligence for Health and Healthcare Conference, Sydney (Dec 02-03, 2021)
ICDRHW 2021: Disorder Rehabilitation and Healthcare in Women Conference, Sydney (Dec 02-03, 2021)
ICDTHW 2021: Disorder Treatments and Healthcare in Women Conference, Tokyo (Dec 02-03, 2021)
ICDW 2021: Disorders in Women Conference, Sydney (Dec 02-03, 2021)
ICDTW 2021: Disorder Treatments in Women Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Dec 06-07, 2021)
ICEUCT 2021: Endoscopic Ultrasound and Cancer Treatment Conference, London (Dec 09-10, 2021)
ICHA 2021: Health Analytics Conference, London (Dec 09-10, 2021)
ICPHHC 2021: Personal Health and Health Care Conference, London (Dec 09-10, 2021)
ICPHRE 2021: Public Health Research and Ethics Conference, London (Dec 09-10, 2021)
ICMSTE 2021: Multimedia Services and Technologies for E-health Conference, Rome (Dec 13-14, 2021)
ICPHE 2021: Public Health Engineering Conference, Rome (Dec 13-14, 2021)
ICPHSR 2021: Public Health Systems and Research Conference, Rome (Dec 13-14, 2021)
ICEUER 2021: Endoscopic Ultrasound and Endoscopy Research Conference, Istanbul (Dec 20-21, 2021)
ICTMDHDM 2021: Traditional Medical Data and Health Data Mining Conference, Paris (Dec 30-31, 2021)
Public Health Conferences In 2022
ICCS 2022: Cardiac Surgery Conference, Singapore (Jan 11-12, 2022)
ICDOHD 2022: Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Conference, Singapore (Jan 11-12, 2022)
ICPH 2022: Public Healthcare Conference, Singapore (Jan 11-12, 2022)
ICCAD 2022: Coronary Artery Disease Conference, Zurich (Jan 14-15, 2022)
ICEPH 2022: Environmental Public Health Conference, Zurich (Jan 14-15, 2022)
ICPHHM 2022: Personal Health and Health Monitoring Conference, Zurich (Jan 14-15, 2022)
ICPHMD 2022: Personal Health and Medical Data Conference, Bali (Jan 14-15, 2022)
ICEIPH 2022: Ethical Issues in Public Health Conference, Bangkok (Jan 18-19, 2022)
ICHPD 2022: Health Policies for Disabilities Conference, Bangkok (Jan 18-19, 2022)
ICPDHP 2022: Pharmaceutical Drugs and Health Policies Conference, London (Jan 21-22, 2022)
ICPHEL 2022: Public Health Ethics and Legalities Conference, Amsterdam (Jan 21-22, 2022)
ICFSH 2022: Food Safety, Hygiene, and Health Conference, Paris (Jan 25-26, 2022)
ICUPHP 2022: Urban Public Health Policies Conference, Paris (Jan 25-26, 2022)
ICPHE 2022: Public Health Ethics Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Feb 11-12, 2022)
ICHI 2022: Health Insurance Conference, Dubai (Feb 15-16, 2022)
ICPHR 2022: Public Health Research Conference, Dubai (Feb 15-16, 2022)
ICDPH 2022: Disasters and Public Health Conference, Rome (Feb 18-19, 2022)
ICMHH 2022: Mental Health and Healthcare Conference, Rome (Feb 18-19, 2022)
ICCH 2022: Children’s Health Conference, Paris (Feb 22-23, 2022)
ICPHP 2022: Public Health Promotion Conference, Paris (Feb 22-23, 2022)
ICMIH 2022: Medical Informatics and Health Conference, Sydney (Feb 25-26, 2022)
ICEIHP 2022: Ethical Issues and Health Policies Conference, Rome (Mar 04-05, 2022)
ICDW 2022: Diseases in Women Conference, Prague (Mar 22-23, 2022)
ICHI 2022: Healthcare Innovations Conference, Prague (Mar 22-23, 2022)
ICPHEH 2022: Public Health Ethics and Hygiene Conference, Madrid (Mar 25-26, 2022)
ICQLH 2022: Quality of Life and Hygiene Conference, Tokyo (Mar 25-26, 2022)
ICDRW 2022: Disorder Rehabilitation in Women Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2022)