JHSPH, JHSPH online master of public healt, JHSPH online MPH


Ranked as the number one school for public health in the world, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH) is also the first independent, degree awarding institution for training and research in public health in the United States.

Located in Baltimore, Maryland, United states, the school offers the following master’s and doctorate degree programs:

Masters At Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Master of Public Health
Master of Science in Public Health
Master of Health Science
Master of Health Administration
Master of Bioethics
Master of Arts
Master of Applied Science
Master of Public Policy
Master of Science



Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH) Online MPH
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health also offers online Master of Public Health programs for emerging sectors in public health with pressing need for highly skilled professionals. Designed for working professionals, the program differs from other JHSPH programs offered online in partnership with organizations like cousera. Courses offered under the JHSPH online MPH programs are ;


Master of Applied Science in Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality

Master of Applied Science in Population Health Management

Master of Applied Science in Spatial Analysis for Public Health


Certificates in Population Health Management



Doctoral Programs at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Doctor of Public Health (DPH)

Doctor of Science (ScD) Public Health

Postdoctoral training in Public health

Residency Programs
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health also offers residency programs in general preventive medicine and occupational medicine.


Admission Requirements For Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health MPH

A minimum of Bachelor’s degree in a health related discipline (e.g., Microbiology, Nutrition, or Anatomy and Physiology)

Applicant’s are required to posses at least two years full time work experience post Bachelors degree OR a doctorate degree in a field related to public health.

Applicants must also show evidence of completion of at least one math course (e.g., Calculus, Algebra or Statistics)

Test Scores : The following test scores are accepted at JHSPH ; GRE, MCAT, GMAT or LSAT Scores

Median Scores

GPA : 3.5/4.0


Verbal Reasoning (GRE) :79


Quantitative Reasoning (GRE) :67

However, applicants with advanced degrees such as BDS, MBBS, MS, MA, MD, DDS, and PHD can apply without a standardized test score.
The applicants are also required to submit a personal statement, which includes professional ambitions, past academic and work experience and how a master of public health degree fits in with his / her overall career goals.

Recommendation Letters

The applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation one each from an academic and a professional.




Student Life at JHSPH

With over two thousand student’s from eighty one country, JHSPH is the most diverse school of public health in the world. As at 2017 the school had over twenty thousand Alumni.

Public Health Ng
Public Health Nigeria an Interdisciplinary public health movement focused on health education, advancing fair public health policies, promoting fitness, healthy diets, responsible behavior, community health and general well-being.

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