According to Red Points, Counterfeit goods can be defined as copies or imitations of a product that are intended to be taken as authentic and genuine in order to deceive a person. Simply put, counterfeit goods are fake products that are made of cheaper substandard quality and are being sold under the name and trademark of another brand without authorization from the brand owner.
As a matter of fact, trafficking in counterfeit goods is criminalized and punishable under Law. A core feature of counterfeit goods is that there is always the malicious intent to deceive and mislead buyers into believing that the product is authentic when it is actually the exact opposite. They are passed off as the genuine product. Therefore, counterfeit goods violate the trademark and other intellectual property rights of the owner of the authentic brand.
What is 24k Goldzan?
24K Goldzan is a highly concentrated serum that absorbs nutrients deep in the skin and helps improve skin tissue. An ampoule contains 99.9% pure gold and peptides. It is promoted as a skin brightening, anti-wrinkle and rejuvenating formula.
Unlike the fake 24k Goldzan, originals are formulated with visible flecks of Gold and enriched with 7 different peptides, which can improve skin activity and increase skin elasticity without sagging.
Original product also contains hyaluronic acid which deeply hydrates and locks moisture to effectively improve skin tone. It also nourishes the skin, minimizes redness or spots, removes dark spots on the face, reduces pigmentation, and rejuvenates your skin.
24k Goldzan fakes deny buyers these benefits and further compound their woes with additional side effects. Consumers are reporting a number of symptoms from using counterfeit cosmetics, including eye infections, allergic reactions, skin rashes, swollen lips and chemical burns. In worst cases, the toxic ingredients in many fake makeup products have caused long-term health problems such as high blood pressure and infertility.
In order to protect yourself against this risk of buying a fake 24k Goldzan here are some few tips:
Pricing: Sometime it’s too good to be true, check the 24k Goldzan manufacturers or authorized dealer website for the retail price, use your discretion to add any possible expenses such as import charges, then add profit. With this estimation, see if the price tallies. If way cheaper than that there is a huge red flag. Is it fake, is it stolen goods or the vendor is having a clear out sale.
Packaging or Print quality: If the packaging of a 24k Goldzan looks a bit shoddy, the font looks pixelated, or any inconsistencies with the colors or image saturation (Too red or too blue) that’s another red flag. Check that the barcodes are consistent with the release notes on the producer’s product information page.
Product: The smell, the texture, the weight of a 24k Goldzan is another tip. Some counterfeits are so explicit that the packaging looks just like the original, however, the proof is in the pudding. When you buy 24k Goldzan products open it on the spot, smell it, check if anything is off. In the event it’s a fake product speak with the seller. Even if you can’t get a refund you are at least more knowledgeable and know where NOT to shop.
Probe (Research and Ask questions): There’s nothing wrong in asking the manufacturers about their licensed distributors, or even asking friends to have a look before you make a purchase. Ask a retailer about their distribution channels, probe their product knowledge, ask if they can guarantee lifespan or authenticity. Also read How To Spot Fake And Original Virgin Hair Fertilizer