Phenyl is an emulsion of light creosote oil and water with soap. Creosote oil contains carbolic acid, creosol and other homologues of phenol which exert the necessary germicidal powder adequate incorporation of creosote oil. Further addition of phenol or cresylic acid or other anti-septic chemicals is essential to conform to the carbolic coefficient required for the product.
Apart from possessing the correct germicidal strength, phenyl should stand without separation for any length, whether exposed or not. When poured into water it should readily disperse without stirring. It should form a thick milky white emulsion when sufficiently diluted. This is how an ordinary buyer would generally judge the quality of this disinfectant. Phenyl apart from its use in household, hotels, and restaurants, kitchens, bathrooms, and drain lines is used in considerable quantities by institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes, dispensaries and municipalities. A license is required from the State Drug Controller to manufacture phenyl. Before setting up a plant You should know what the licenses are and registration process requires for Phenyl Manufacturing Business via the Central Pollution Control Board.
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India is a statutory organisation under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Mo.E.F.C.C.). It was established in 1974 under the Water (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act, 1974. The CPCB is also entrusted with the powers and functions under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. It serves as a field formation and also provides technical services to the Ministry of Environment and Forests under the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. It Co-ordinates the activities of the State Pollution Control Boards by providing technical assistance and guidance and also resolves disputes among them. It is the apex organization in country in the field of pollution control, as a technical wing of MoEFCC.
CPCB has its head office in New Delhi, with seven zonal offices and 5 laboratories. The board conducts environmental assessments and research. It is responsible for maintaining national standards under a variety of environmental laws, in consultation with zonal offices, tribal, and local governments. It has responsibilities to conduct monitoring of water and air quality, and maintains monitoring data. The agency also works with industries and all levels of government in a wide variety of voluntary pollution prevention programs and energy conservation efforts. It advises the central government to prevent and control water and air pollution. It also advises the Governments of Union Territories on industrial and other sources of water and air pollution. CPCB along with its counterparts the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) are responsible for implementation of legislation relating to prevention and control of environmental pollution.
The board has the sole responsibility to grant Consent to Establish Phenyl Manufacturing plant in India.
How to Get Phenyl Manufacturing Licence
The following are the licenses are and registration process requires for Phenyl Manufacturing Business:
- Firstly, you need to obtain a trade license
- Secondly, you should apply for “Consent to Establish” from the PCB (Pollution Control Board)
- Thirdly, you must register your company with ROC
- After this, you have to obtain for GST registration
- After that, you should apply for “Consent to Operate” from the PCB (Pollution Control Board)
- Then after, under the drug act, the liquid phenyl is notified as a “Drug”
- Lastly, take the permission and license from the Drug Control Authority which is necessary for its production