What is Dermablading? Benefits and Health Risks

  Every woman has facial hair. There are two types, vellus hair and terminal hair. Vellus hair is the near-invisible peach fuzz that covers much of the face and body. Our skin also has sebaceous glands that produce naturally hydrating oils and a built-in process that constantly produces new skin cells while shedding the old. […]

How To Activate Moldavite

Moldavite is a forest green, olive green or blue greenish vitreous silica projectile rock formed by a meteorite impact probably in southern Germany (Nördlinger Ries Crater) that occurred about 15 million years ago. It is a type of tektite. According to Wikipedia, moldavite was introduced to the scientific public for the first time in 1786 […]

What Does The Bible Say About Rh Negative Blood?

In 1937, Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Weiner discovered a new blood type: the rhesus blood type, or Rh factor. The rhesus protein is named for the rhesus monkey, which also carries the gene, and is a protein that lives on the surface of the red blood cells. This protein is also often called the D […]

Symptoms of Torn Internal Stitches After Tummy tuck

A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the abdomen. During a tummy tuck — also known as abdominoplasty — excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen. Connective tissue in the abdomen (fascia) usually is tightened with sutures as well. The remaining skin is then repositioned to create […]

Can Dogs Eat Honey?

In veterinary public health, dog nutritional requirements are established by the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) or Complete and balanced nutrition for dogs based on AAFCO feeding trials. Proper nutrition is an important part of keeping your dog healthy. Feeding a dog with the wrong food can result in several health complications some […]

Can Albuterol Cause a False Positive Drug Test?

What does false positive drug test mean? The phrase “false positive” refers to results on a drug screening that say the test detected the presence of a substance when a person has not actually taken the substance. Certain foods, medications, or other substance can cause a false positive reading. False positives are not common in […]

How to Spot Fake Klairs Vitamin C Serum

The Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin Drop is a skin rejuvenator featuring 5% Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), and is gentle enough even for sensitive skin types. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that provides the best in anti-ageing protection and is an effective brightening ingredient. The Klairs Freshly Juiced Drop helps fade brown spots, protects the skin […]

How to Spot Fake Disaar Vitamin C Serum

Disaar vitamin C serum is a potent, multipurpose serum that combines breakthrough anti-aging ingredients like Vitamin C to help visibly minimize fine lines/wrinkles and help reduce the appearance of age spots and discoloration. Vitamin C has also been shown to treat a huge variety of inflammatory skin conditions. Minimizing redness can create a more even complexion. […]

How To Spot Fake OZNaturals Vitamin C Serum

OZNaturals Vitamin C is a serum, which helps all skin types to reverse the negative effects of sun damage and  also protect your skin from future free radical damage. This antioxidant-rich Vitamin C Facial Serum is a potent blend of essential vitamins and herbs to combat free radicals and premature signs of aging. This serum […]

Blue Waffle Disease Is Not A Thing

Blue waffle STD is not a genuine STD because there is no infectious process that would result in the vagina turning blue,” says Dalia Davood, M.D., an ob-gyn at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois. “In my years of practice and study, I have seen no documented medical literature where anything of this nature […]