How To Get Rid Of A Gum Boil

  Gum boils refers to various types of swelling or tissue overgrowth that occurs in the mouth. Gum boils may be fluid filled or made of solid fibrous gum tissue. Color may appear normal or the gum boil area can appear red and raw. These bumps that look like pimples can become serious when not […]

How Do You Know If You Have Internal Injuries After A Car Accident?

After a car accident, if you do not have any obvious injuries such as broken bones or burns, you may believe that you are safe and forgo a medical checkup. If that is the case, car accident lawyers Hipskind & McAninch want to remind you that there is nothing more important than your health and […]

How Cranberry Juice Helps Fight Parkinson’s Disease (PD)

What Is Parkinson’s disease (PD)? Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects predominately dopamine-producing (“dopaminergic”) neurons in a specific area of the brain called substantia nigra. Symptoms generally develop slowly over years. The progression of symptoms is often a bit different from one person to another due to the diversity of the disease. […]

Shatter Drug: Everything You Should Know

What is a Shatter drug? A shatter drug is an illicit substance that contains a high concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which is the ingredient in marijuana that is responsible for many of the drug’s psychotropic (mind-altering) effects. It’s this chemical that distorts how the mind perceives the world. In other words, it’s what makes […]

BUN/Creatinine Ratio Normal Range

BUN-to-creatinine ratio is the ratio of two serum laboratory values, the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (mg/dL) and serum creatinine (Cr) (mg/dL). The principle behind this ratio is the fact that both urea (BUN) and creatinine are freely filtered by the glomerulus; however, urea reabsorbed by the tubules can be regulated (increased or decreased) whereas creatinine […]

How to Get Rid of Bromodosis Fast

Bromodosis, also known as smelly foot syndrome is a type of body odor that affects the feet of humans. It is sometimes considered to be an unpleasant smell, but can also be the target of foot fetishism, more specifically as a form of olfactophilia. Bromodosis is caused by foot sweat and the accumulation of bacteria, […]

E Mal Injection: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects

E Mal is a brand of alpha, beta-Arteether, an ethyl ether derivative of artemisinin which is used in the treatment of malaria, a life-threatening disease. It’s typically transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito. Infected mosquitoes carry the Plasmodium parasite. When this mosquito bites you, the parasite is released into your bloodstream. Malaria is typically found […]

Uda Seed: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Uda seed  (Xylopia Aethiopica), known as Chimba in Hausa, Eeru alamo in Yoruba, is an important seed in Africa because of its medical and traditional uses. In the Middle Ages, the fruit was exported to Europe as a ‘pepper’. It is used in African cuisines and traditional medicine. In the Southeastern part of Nigeria, Uda […]

Hourglass Syndrome (stomach gripping): Meaning, Side Effects, Treatment

What Is Hourglass Syndrome? Hourglass syndrome also as known as stomach gripping is a disorder that involves people sucking in their abdomen habitually. Hourglass syndrome can be an underlying factor in many pain syndromes. It occurs due to too much tension in the upper abdominals and dysfunction of the diaphragm (the muscle that sits under […]

Cobblestone Throat: Meaning, Causes, Cancer risks, Treatment

Cobblestone throat is a medical condition that occurs as a result of the irritation leading to a postnasal drip, a condition that forces mucus from the nose or sinuses to drain into the throat. A person may complain of having nasal congestion and a sensation of mucus dripping from the back of their nose. When […]