Being that so much emphasis is put on teeth these days it is hard to imagine that someone hasn’t heard of veneers. That being said, there are still a few select individuals that probably aren’t familiar with veneers. And, the individuals that have heard of veneers likely don’t know everything that there is to know about them. If you want to understand how to properly care for your new teeth, you need to completely understand them as well as everything that they have to offer.
When a dental professional talks about veneers, they are simply talking about wafer-thin, custom-made shells. These shells slip right over your original teeth and are specifically designed to enhance both the look and coloring of your teeth. That aside, there are some experts and consumers that will refer to veneers as porcelain veneers or dental porcelain implants. So, if you hear these terms throw about in the dental industry, they are probably talking about veneers.
If your veneers start to look yellow or brown, you may be tempted to try an at-home whitening treatment like Soda. Professional cleanings can help to remove surface stains, so remember to visit your dentist every six months.
Whitening veneers with baking soda is a topic that comes up in the dentist’s office a lot these days. This is in part due to the fact that a beautiful set of pearly white teeth can do a lot for an individual. Not only will these teeth give you more confidence, but these teeth will make you, in fact, look younger. The only problem with this situation is that teeth weren’t designed to last. Some people lose their teeth in their early 20’s, some people might lose them in their 70’s, and some people are doomed right from the get-go. Whatever your situation is, there is technology and techniques available today that can help you achieve that pearly white smile, regardless of the conditions that you are facing.
One such option is veneers. Of course, this will probably be your most expensive option, but it will also be the one that provides the best results. That being said, if you are going to drop thousands of dollars on new teeth or replacement teeth, you want to make sure that you do everything within your power to properly care for them. This is why many people with these types of replacement teeth often find themselves asking, is whitening veneers with baking soda possible? The short answer is no! No veneers cannot be whitened with traditional baking soda. In fact, it might turn out that the baking soda ends up cause more harm than good.
When Might Veneers Be Necessary?
When most people think about veneers they tend to think of white pearly teeth. And, why shouldn’t they? This is pretty much what they are. However, improving the look and performance of your teeth is not the only reason for getting these types of implants. Sure, they might be the most common reasons, but that doesn’t mean that they are the only reasons. Some individuals will opt for these dental implants when their teeth are discolored either because of root canal treatment or traditional staining.
Teeth can wear over time, and once they wear so bad it can be hard to eat or chew on them. This is just one of the many other reasons that someone might get veneers. Two other common reasons are chips and breaks. When teeth become chipped or break off they will need to be repaired, and veneers are an excellent option. Anyone with gaps, misaligned teeth, or irregularly shaped teeth can also greatly benefit from these types of implants.
Why Veneers Might Become Discolored
Before whitening veneers with baking soda you can speak with a number of dental professionals and they are all going to tell you the exact same thing. They are going to tell you that most people opt for veneers because they are extremely durable. Not only can they take a lot of punishment and abuse over the years, but they don’t stain easily. Of course, this doesn’t mean that they won’t stain over time. It just means that they are usually harder to stain. This is especially true for veneers that are constructed of porcelain or composite resin. In fact, some dental professionals can go an entire career without ever running into stained composite veneers.
In fact, both of these materials are much more durable than that of natural enamel. All that aside, one of the most common reasons that veneers become stained over time is because of prolonged exposure to highly pigmented drinks. This would be drinks like tea, coffee, or red wine. Not only this, but people that use tobacco products are much more likely to stain their veneers quicker. The nicotine will just get on the teeth and sit there over time until it causes stains. Luckily, all this unwanted damage can be undone with whitening techniques. Unfortunately, whitening veneers with baking soda is not one of those options.
Can Veneers Really Be Whitened?
From what you have read so far, you are probably under the impression that veneers are extremely strong. This is true and just one of the many reasons that people prefer them. However, this development leads some people to assume that they can’t be whitened. Another reason that many people think veneers can’t be whitened is that they cannot be whitened with traditional bleach like your natural teeth.
Porcelain veneers are extremely prone to develop stain on the sides as the material ages. This is something that cannot be avoided and it will happen to you, regardless of how long or how much you care for them. This simply means that there will come a time when you need to worry about whitening up those old teeth. Veneers also come with a nice glaze installed on top of them, and as that glaze erodes and wears over time it will cause the teeth to stain. Once again, this is no reason to completely flip just yet. Yes, you spent a lot of money on your new teeth and there are ways that you can go about whitening them.
Why Baking Soda Is Bad For Veneers
If you have natural teeth and are dealing with stains, your first reaction might be to hit the Internet and start looking for home remedies. This makes sense being that the Internet really is a wealth of knowledge. That being said, you will no doubt find a variety of foods and treatments available for the whitening process. You will probably even find a bunch of sites that talk about whitening teeth with baking soda. And, this is perfectly acceptable. Baking soda can whiten your natural teeth, but remember, you are not talking about natural teeth here. You are talking about veneers.
Veneers are different than your natural teeth, as they are comprised of different materials. Baking soda is abrasive, and this is one of the main reasons that it will not whiten your veneers. In fact, it will just do more damage. It will cause them to wear down earlier and become discolored. It would also be highly advisable to avoid any products that contain baking soda. There are tons of them out there, and they might be good for whitening natural teeth, but this is not an ingredient that will work for veneers.
Weighing The Pros And Cons Of Veneers
On the surface, veneers might seem like a great investment. And, they truly are because there are a lot of benefits that can come along with owning these types of replacement teeth. However, there are also a lot of disadvantages that can come along with owning replacement teeth like this. While these teeth might not be suitable for everyone, they could be exactly what you are looking for. Of course, you won’t really know until you fully weigh the pros and cons of getting the teeth installed.
Whitening Veneers With Baking Soda
This first and biggest advantage of owning replacement teeth like this is that they are completely natural-looking. In fact, many individuals probably won’t even notice that you have veneers. People that see you every day will immediately notice a major difference, but others will just assume that these are your natural teeth. Other major benefits are that the gums are usually more than receptive to veneers, they are stain-resistant, they can completely change the shape and look of your natural teeth, and you get to select the color that you want.
Right now, veneers might seem like a godsend. However, they do come with some drawbacks, and understanding these drawbacks to the fullest will help determine if these teeth are right for you or not. The first and biggest drawback is that there is no going back. Once you have veneers, they are there for life. Another major disadvantage is that they are expensive. In fact, this is probably the number one reason that people seek alternatives. Another big drawback is that the enamel has to be removed on your natural teeth before the veneers can be installed. This will cause your natural teeth to become more sensitive. Simply put, veneers will not cause sensitivity issues to go away.
Preventing Veneers From Staining
At the end of the day, your veneers are going to stain over time. The good news is that composite resin tends to last much longer than the alternatives. It isn’t going to stain as easily as natural tooth enamel. Therefore, you should be able to keep your veneers white for a much longer period. However, you should take steps to prevent your veneers from staining. For instance, if you’re going to be smoking cigarettes, you can guarantee that you’re going to run into problems. If you drink a lot of coffee, there is a good chance that your veneers are going to develop brown stains.
If you’re serious about keeping your veneers white, you need to make sure that your brush them twice a day. It is wise to use fluoride toothpaste as well. You’ll also want to floss once a day. This will help remove particles that could discolor the teeth. While you may enjoy drinking coffee and tea, you’ll want to avoid them. At the very least, you should minimize how much you drink. To avoid problems, you’ll want to stay away from hard foods as well.
It is a good idea to change your diet. You can keep your veneers white and shiny by eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. If all else fails, you can schedule an appointment with your dentist. They’ll be able to find a solution that is going to work for you.
Does Veneer Whitening Toothpaste Work?
If you are considering whitening veneers with baking soda, you’ll need to go above and beyond to keep them white. Unfortunately, you have to remember that many techniques that are effective for regular teeth are not going to work for your veneers. Therefore, you’ll need to think outside of the box to come up with viable solutions. The unfortunate truth is that these methods are not going to work. You will find that veneers are primarily made of composite resin. This means that they’re not going to respond great to whitening products.
In other words, those whitening products are not going to change the color of your veneers much. If you want to get satisfactory results, you’ll need to speak with your dentist. They’ll be able to come up with a solution to fix the problem. There are numerous ways to achieve this goal. The dentist may decide that it is time to switch to new veneers. Alternatively, they may decide to polish the exterior surface. Either way, it is best to speak with your dentist so you can find a viable solution to the problem.
At the end of the day, when considering whitening veneers with baking soda, baking soda may be able to help. However, it might not deliver amazing results. You should experiment and see what it does for you. If you’re able to get satisfactory results, you can stop. If not, you will need to take extra steps. For instance, you should consider booking an appointment with your dentist. This individual will be able to polish the exterior of the veneer to make it bright, white once again. You might be satisfied with baking soda but this method is not going to work for everyone.
How To Whiten Composite Veneers?
As you should know, it is going to be much different trying to whiten composite veneers than whitening veneers with baking soda. You cannot whiten veneers using the same methods. Unfortunately, you’re not going to get great results alone. If you want to whiten your veneers, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with your dentist. Your dentist will be able to whiten the veneer by polishing the surface. This is the best way to whiten your composite veneers. If you try to use other methods, you will likely be disappointed with the results. SEE: Dental Instruments Names and Functions